Getting a credit card is very important set for most adults, however not everyone knows what to look for especially if your credit is blemished. Look for APRs or the annual percentage rate this is the amount of interest that you will pay if you carry a balance. APRs are stated in yearly interest rates.
Because with multiple interest rates, for example you may think that you have a low interest rate of 8% and if you take out a cash advance your interest rate may jump to 19%. Sometimes you have a tired interest rate, meaning that your rate changes depending on the amount of your balance.
Penalty APRs are in effect when you miss a payment, some banks will penalize you if your payment arrives late by increasing the interest rate. For example if your payment is 10 days late your APR may go up from 12% to 16%. Introductory APRs are very common, you may receive an offer that sates a 5% APR for the first 6 months, after that it my rise to 18%.
If your credit card is lost or stolen and used without your authorization, you do not have to pay more than $50 of those charges. This is a protection provide by the Truth in Lending Act. You do not need credit card insurance to cover amounts over the initial $50.
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