Often credit card companies have your phone number and they will attempt to call you to get you to buy more stuff from them or sign up for another credit card under the same account with a different name on it perhaps for a spouse. Telephone sales for credit card programs are quite common and many credit card companies partner with other companies who try to sell you stuff.
Often this infuriates clientele and nevertheless there is nothing the customer can do about it because they do actually do business with the credit card company already and that makes it within the law. What kind of things, credit card rewards programs?
Sometimes they give discount airline miles and sometimes they give discounts or prepaid merchandise cards and various large retailers. This helps the retailer, which is also their customer and it makes the credit card customer feel like they're getting a good deal even though they are get reamed by the high-priced credit card interest rates.
Telephone sales for credit card reward programs generally net about 10% of the people called and they know that since you already do business with them they can simply add costs on to your credit card. They also know those customers who pay their bills on time and therefore they know they will collect. Please consider this in 2006.
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